Family Law

Due to unprecedented demand, the Family Team at Suffolk Law Centre is currently operating at full capacity and are unable to assist with any new enquiries.

However, we are still able to offer our 30-minute one off Legal Advice Clinic (LAC) appointments in Family Law. Please use the link at the bottom of this page to enquire for this service.

The situation is being reviewed each week and we will re-open for casework enquiries as soon as we can.

Other organisations that may be able to help you in the meantime are:

Our Family Law Advice and Casework (FLAC) service provides free, independent advice to clients dealing with disputes over contact with their children (Private Child Contact Arrangements). We can help with a range of issues including mediation, preparation for court and help in finding a solicitor.

We (FLAC) do not deal with issues involved in divorce. If the services we provide do not cover your particular circumstance, please see the following page where we list other organisations who may be able to help you: Other Services

How can we help?

We offer FREE advice and casework support across a range of family legal issues relating to children.  These issues include:

  • Child Arrangement Orders 
  • Specific Issue Orders and Prohibited Steps Orders
  • Parental Responsibility Orders
  • Enforcement of Child Arrangement Orders.
  • Special Guardianship applications
  • Advice on potential for Legal Aid in DA cases and evidence necessary for an application
  • Advice for domestic abuse victims where not eligible for legal aid

Helpdesk at Ipswich Family Court

Weekly FHDRA (First Hearing and Dispute Resolution Appointment) Help Desk at Ipswich Magistrates’ Court. This is an information only service, for litigants in person. We offer reassurance to LiP (Litigants in Person) about Court proceedings, but no advice. We provide information about our other services (and other agencies) where appropriate.

This helpdesk is available every Wednesday, starting at 9am in the interview room next to the Family Court.

Family Support Clinic

We offer 1-hour one-off free appointments with volunteer lawyers (Family law experts – retired and practicing).

These provide information and guidance to the client about the law relating to their issue and suggest the next steps. There are three appointments available every Friday.

Where clients are particularly vulnerable or in need of further advice and help, they will be referred to our Casework team.

Family Casework

Our solicitor and caseworker will take on the more complex cases, or more vulnerable clients, to assist with their case:

  • negotiating with the other party
  • making applications to court
  • preparing position and witness statements
  • preparation for attending court
  • a limited number of domestic abuse and care proceedings if client not eligible for legal aid.

What we cannot provide:

  • Unfortunately, we do not have capacity to be able to provide representation at court and so we do not go “on the record” with the court and cannot attend hearings with clients.
  • We do not currently conduct legal aid work in Family Law – however, we will help clients who are likely to be eligible for legal aid to find a Lawyer.

Contact Us

Our Family Law casework services are currently unavailable, however you can still enquire about a free 30-minute, one-off advice appointment by filling out the following form:

Our Family Law casework and LAC services are currently unavailable.

Family Law – Legal Advice Enquiry Form (LAC)

The quickest way to get in touch with us would be to fill in a Enquiry Form with details of your enquiry using the following link:

Family Law Enquiry Form

If you have any questions in regard to our Family Law services, or need help completing the form: please send us an email or leave a message on the number below. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Email: [email protected]

Tel: 01473 408111