Dear Friends and Supporters,
Back in March 2018, Suffolk Law Centre was launched. We can hardly believe that we have now been running for 6 and a half years!
Over that time, our hard-working, brilliant staff (past and present), alongside our Trustees and so many amazing community and legal volunteers, have all helped Suffolk Law Centre to grow, but we would never have even got started without the committed focus and steely determination of one person: Audrey Ludwig.
Audrey has been the Director of Legal Services and Senior Solicitor at Suffolk Law Centre since its inception, and before that, with Ipswich and Suffolk Council of Racial Equality (ISCRE). She has dedicated nearly 20 years of her life to increasing access to justice for people in Suffolk.
Audrey has now decided to step back from her role at Suffolk Law Centre.

We are holding an event to say a collective ‘Thank You’ to Audrey, to reflect on the impact of her work, celebrate the achievements of Suffolk Law Centre and share some of our future plans as we continue our work.
We would be delighted if you could join us in person to say goodbye, thank you and good luck to Audrey.
- When: Friday 1st November 2024
- Where: University of Suffolk – Waterfront Building, 19 Neptune Quay, Ipswich, IP4 1QJ
- (Parking available at several public car parks located close to the venue – we will follow up with full details, including Blue Badge parking arrangements)
- Time: 5pm – 7:30pm
- 5pm onwards: Arrivals. Please join us for drinks and light refreshments between 5pm – 6pm.
- 6pm – 7pm: Presentations, Speeches and Reflections.
- 7:30pm: End
RSVP: Please complete the RSVP form here to confirm your attendance:
Suffolk Law Centre – Looking Back and Going Forward RSVP / Registration Form (
It will help us hugely if you could send your RSVP by: Monday 14th October.
If you have any questions, please respond by email to: